This episode, dive into the world of traditional Philippine bakeries - called "panaderia" - with authors Amy Uy and Jenny Orillos, who wrote about the breads, biscuits and cakes found in bakeshops across the country. We also ask a few bakers: what’s your favourite panaderia treat?
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On this episode we talk to Dr. Stephen Acabado, an archaeologist and author of the book “Antiquity, Archaeological Processes, and Highland Adaptation: The Ifugao Rice Terraces”.
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This episode we chat with Edgie Polistico, author of the Philippine Food, Cooking and Dining Dictionary - a necessary part of my kitchen (and bookshelf). From growing up in Leyte to travelling across the archipelago - and eating everything along the way - Edgie shares his journey to writing what I consider one of the best resources on contemporary Filipino food culture.
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This episode we chat with Regina Tolentino Newport, author of the book "Coconut Kitchen: Appetizers and Main Dishes" and founder of the Culinary Historians of the Philippines. We'll hear about Regee’s favourite recipes, what going to culinary school taught her, things we realize we take for granted, and what inspired her to delve into the world of Philippine coconuts. Time to get cooking!
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This month I share some clips from "The New Filipino Kitchen" book launch in Toronto - including an excerpt from my recipe in the cookbook - plus an incredibly fun panel chat with local restaurateurs and community leaders. When something this special happens on the first weekend of the first nationally declared Filipino Heritage Month in bet I'm doing a whole episode on it!
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Cebuano cooking in itself - like many regional cuisines of the Philippines, is a reflection of its landscape - with local communities that each have distinct ways of preparing meals and various traditional food products. This episode, we’re talking with Louella Alix, author of a book called "Hikay: The Culinary Heritage of Cebu".
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We’re talking with Bryan Koh, author of the book "Milk Pigs and Violet Gold". Turning its pages, I’m driven by the narrative, structure, and immediacy of his stories - like I feel like I’m there - and constantly think, reading the recipes…that “really, that’s all it takes to make that?”
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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to study food history? In the Philippines, it’s not a topic often discussed by the general public - despite our love for debating the origins of pancit or adobo.
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