EP 14: Food Holidays In The Philippines With Clang Garcia

"Food Holidays Philippines" is a culinary travel guidebook that won "Best In The World" at the 2017 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Like some of the world's most notable travel guides, it was made with a shoestring budget - and later paved the way for certain kinds of travellers to find exactly what they were looking for. We're talking with Clang Garcia about her travel company, Jeepney Tours, and what it was like to collect stories and recipes from around the country to feature in this incredible guide. This episode is about my two great loves!

Show notes

02:20 Food is inescapably a part of travel
05:40 About
08:00 What makes the jeepney so special?
10:35 The beauty of our food
13:00 Day trips, overnight food trips and 3 delicious days
13:15 Bicol's terroir
16:50 Growing businesses around food
17:50 Redefining "luxury tourism" in the Philippines
23:00 Lessons from travelling the country
25:15 "It's time to compete"
26:05 Touring chefs for Madrid Fusion Manila
28:10 Recipes from cooks of Spanish friars in Bulacan
32:00 The culinary champions of Pampanga
33:20 Plantanillas: A native Philippine dessert
35:50 What else is there?
38:10 Making "Food Holidays Philippines"
39:50 Winning the Gourmand World Cookbook Award
42:45 "We're at the cusp of a gastronomy revolution"
44:30 The appeal of food tourism


Links for this episode

  • Order a copy of "Food Holidays Philippines" through The Kitchen Bookstore.

  • F&B Report, the Philippines' premiere food service industry magazine, recently published a feature on Clang. You can purchase a digital copy of that issue here.

  • Follow her on Instagram!

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