Albay, Part One

Under the Perfect Cone’s gaze - as the communities around it grew, over centuries - people thrived within it, too.

From Legazpi City, I took day trips to the towns of Ligao, Guinobatan, Camalig, and Tiwi in the foothills of the still active Mayon Volcano. I was slammed by the beauty of everyday experiences, like having so many amazing choices at roadside eateries.

From learning about abaca and pili to visiting local restaurants and museums, there’s a lot to love!

Along a stretch of highway between towns, a row of stalls sold locally famous snack foods, like sinapotan, fried bananas, and fat little discs of puto macapuno. So good! On the jeep back to Legazpi City, I decided to get off in the town of Guinobatan for lunch. I’d heard their longganisa was a local specialty. Easy to see why - look at that texture.