EP 24: On Finding Voices That Speak To You

It’s been awhile, and in lots of ways it really does feel like everything’s changed. On this episode, I chat with Tiffany Tarampi and Nathalie de los Santos about finding books that speak to second and third-gen culture kids. And if you’ve never listened to a podcast from the Philippines, now’s the time to dive in! Meet podcasters from five local shows I really enjoyed, and take home a broader perspective on voices - maybe you’ll also find one that speaks to you.

Show notes

03:30 On a very tumbled feeling
08:30 Seeing myself in a mirror
11:25 Finding voices that speak to you
13:20 Tiffany on stories that bridge a gap
14:55 On representation
16:00 Finding Cora
16:35 Nathalie on starting Pilipinxpages
17:20 Growing up in Vancouver
18:10 Reading Elaine Castillo
22:25 "Do Filipino kids see themselves as superheroes?"
25:20 Restoring voices lost, through literature
26:00 Joining PodcastPH
26:50 Meet Mike and Ham from Please Pause Podcast
28:35 Hanging out with Jeff and Rhea from Coffee Na Lang Dear
32:05 Trivia with Carl from The Banyo Podcast Reflushed
33:20 Talking sustainability with CK and Jones from Sustainarumble
36:15 Chilling with Joal from Buhay Banda Diaries
39:30 What I'm committing to

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